пятница, 14 марта 2008 г.
Thanks for your reply. We took a survey of your answers and discovered that we are more alike, than different.
Out of 15 students, here are our results:
13 go for walks together,
15 read together,
7 draw with their moms,
7 like to do crossword puzzles together,
5 work on puzzles together,
14 watch cartoons together (one family chooses not to have a tv),
9 dream together,
10 enjoy playing cards with their mom,
15 students do homework with their mothers,
8 sleep with their moms,
14 like to cook with their moms,
15 children go shopping with their moms (though some don't enjoy it),
10 children like to go skating with mom,
all of my students like to cuddle with their moms.
15 learned how to read, write, count, draw, study and do math from mom,
8 are learning to sew,
2 are being taught how to knit,
all students felt their moms taught them to be obedient, to behave, to make the right decisions and to help people,
4 are learning to play the piano,
14 moms help their children to keep things in order,
10 children stated that their moms gave them a fashion sense, 1
3 children said their moms taught them diligence.
It seems that no matter where in the world we live, people are essentially the same.
Thanks for sharing your answers.
the first grade students at Moravian Academy
Американские ребята углубили свое исследование и выяснили, что из 15 опрошенных :
13 ходят на прогулку вместе с мамой,
12 читают вместе,
7 рисуют вместе с мамами,
7 любят решать кроссворды вместе,
5 собирают пазлы вместе,
9 мечтают с мамой,
14 смотрят мультфильмы вместе(1 семья предпочитает обходиться без ТВ),
8 любят поспать с мамой,
10 нравиться играть в карты с мамой,
14 предпочитают готовить еду с мамой
15 делают домашние задания вместе с мамой,
15 ходят за покупками с мамой (но не всем это нравится),
10 катаются на коньках с мамой,
15 любят сидеть в обнимку с мамой.
15 научились читать, писать, рисовать, заниматься математикой от мамы,
8 учатся шить у мамы,
2 учатся вязать,
15 мама научила быть послушными, хорошо себя вести, принимать правильные решения, помогать людям,
14 мамы учат хранить все вещи в порядке,
10 мамы научили одеваться соответственно моде,
13 мамы научили прилежанию.
Наши друзья сделали вывод, что несмотря на расстояние, разделяющее наши страны, мы больше похожи, чем отличаемся.
А вы как думаете?
среда, 12 марта 2008 г.
Parents' Survey / Our Contribution
Poker work-10%
Knitting -12%
Hand-made things-17%
Our Contribution to American Survey
~going for a walk together, reading aloud together, drawing pictures together, making and solving crosswords, collecting puzzles, watching cartoons together, dreaming about something together, playing cards, doing homework, sleeping with her, cooking together, shopping, skating, sitting close and embracing each other.
2. What special skills/talents did your mother teach (or pass down) to you?
~how to read and write, count and draw, study and do Math; sewing, knitting , being obedient, behaving myself, washing up and doing laundry, playing the piano, keeping everything in order, making right decisions, helping people, having my own style in clothing, being diligent in studying, achieving goals.
понедельник, 10 марта 2008 г.
Mother’s Day in Australia
Mother's Day at Moravian Academy, the USA
A lovefeast is a Moravian tradition of sharing a simple meal. For Mother's Lovefeast, the student's moms spend an hour in their child's classroom (those with more than one child split their time between their children's classes).
Each class does a special project with the mothers. In first grade, the children and their mothers created flowers from construction paper, paper cupcake liners and tissue paper. We present these blooms on a springtime bulletin board.
Each class does different activities depending on the age of their students. (Prior to the day, most classes have their students make a special project devoted to their mothers. Many students write poems or stories about their moms.)
At 9:30 the mothers and children end up in the classroom of the youngest sibling and, as a family, attend chapel together. At this service, a lovefeast, cookies and juice are served. It is a special service with many musical selections from all divisions. The students really look forward to this special time with their moms. Fondly,
Robyn Endress.
четверг, 6 марта 2008 г.
среда, 5 марта 2008 г.
Greetings from American Friends/Поздравление от американских друзей
Happy Women's Day! Please send our best wishes to all the special women in your lives and we'll remember to give our moms a great big hug in honor of Women's Day, too.
Have a wonderful day,
your friends at Moravian Academy
понедельник, 3 марта 2008 г.
вторник, 26 февраля 2008 г.
Students’ Poems
Tender and pretty,
Raising children,
Loving father,
Running her business,
A very interesting personality.
( by Kate Osina
Grade 8a)
My Mother
Good and careful,
Bringing comfort to our house,
Helping in any situation,
Loving her family,
My best friend.
(by Anita Sumaruk
Grade 8a)
Happy and beautiful,
Loving and caring,
Helping in difficult moments,
Giving advice,
A very important person.
( by Tair Galiev
Grade 8v)
My Mother
Lovely and hardworking,
Giving a lot of things to me,
Helpful and very kind,
Taking care of us,
A generous person.
by Svetlana Dremina
Grade 8a
My Mother
Happy and kind,
Living for us,
Loving us very much,
Always supporting,
The best mother in the world!
( by Vladislava Rachinskaya
Grade 8a)
The most important person in my life
Beautiful and beloved,
Hardworking and caring,
Helping in hard situations,
Giving me life,
My mother.
( byYana Ivanitskaya
Grade 8v)
понедельник, 25 февраля 2008 г.
Survey Results from the USA/ Ответы наших партнеров из США
Here are the results of our parent's survey:
Store bought gifts for Mom:
~flowers, cards, jewelry, clothes, books, earrings, purse, shirt, necklace, vase, a colorful scarf, favorite soap, and take her to lunch.
Handmade gifts for mom:
~cards, paper hearts, books, scarf, breakfast in bed, drawings, pictures, poems, a school bag, and a painting.
Additional questions:
1. What special activities did you enjoy doing with your mom?
~cooking, gardening, baking, talking to her about anything, knitting, shopping, playing board games, taking walks, going to the beach, doing volunteer work together, going on family outings, laughing, playing cards, going to the library, going to the park, and singing songs with her harmonica.
2. What special skills/talents did your mother teach (or pass down) to you?
~baking, being nice to everyone, attention to details, creativity, knitting, how to write and read in Spanish, cooking, the importance of family, cooking ethnic foods, canoeing, patience, how to make fudge, how to be a good mom, and to be hard working.
If you get a chance, we'd love to know to result of your survey.
It'd be interesting to see how we are alike and different.
Thanks, I think the moms enjoyed sharing these ideas with their children.
Robyn Endress,
Bethlehem, PA
четверг, 21 февраля 2008 г.
Project survey
Your parents’ were schoolchildren and also prepared presents for their mothers. Ask them:
1. What presents they used to give to their mothers:
a) from the shop
b) made with their own hands
2. What presents they created for their mothers:
a) drawings/pictures
b) embroidery
c) woodcraft
d) handmade paper things
e) cookies
f) other things.
Grades 1-5 ask questions, grade 8 works out the results.
среда, 20 февраля 2008 г.
Project Participants
1a-Teacher: DvoryanskayaL.K.
2a-Teacher:Krikun S.N.
3b- Teacher: Mironchuk E.A.
4a-Teacher: Chernaya L.A.
4b- Teacher:Gridneva A.A.
5a-Teacher: Beltseva S.M.
8a-Teacher: Rubleva T.I.
8v-Teacher: Kerez S.I.
Teachers of Economics:
Kucherenko N.V.
Nikolenko N.M.
Teachers of English:
Kolonskih N.M.
Lysenko A.S.
Stepanenko L.Yu.
Trotsenko S.V.
Shurupov V.V.
Computing Teachers:
Vinichenko S.A.
Semenova E.V.
Teacher of Arts:
Savkova M.V.
Project Stages/ Этапы проекта
2.Подготовка к чествованию мам:
*Изготовление подарков и открыток своими руками (1-8кл.)
*Подготовка сочинений и стихов о маме (5, 8 кл.)
*Подготовка рисунков ( компьютерная графика), посвященных мамам (3-5 кл.),
*Выпуск газет, посвященных Международному Женскому Дню 8Марта (8а, б кл.),
* Разучивание стихов, песен, инсценировок (1-4кл)
3.Презентация результатов проекта:
* Ярмарка праздничных подарков
* Выставка рисунков, открыток, газет
* Праздничный концерт для мам
4.Подведение итогов проекта
Project Stages :
1. Students’ survey “The Way Our Parents Congratulated Their Mothers”(Grades:1-5)
2. Preparations for celebrating mothers:
* Creating handmade presents and greeting cards (Grades: 1-8)
* Creative Writing Contest: poems and essays about mothers (Grades: 5-8)
* Computing Graphic Contest (Grades:3-4)
* Wall Newspapers Contest: Women’s Day/ Mother’s Day (Grades: 8a, 8v)
* Preparing poems, songs, plays for the concert (Grades: 1-5)
3. Project Presentation:
* Charity Fair “Our Presents for Mothers” (Grades: 1-8)
*Project Exhibition: drawings, cards, newspapers (Grades: All)
* Great Concert for mothers. (Grades: 1-4)- March 7, 2008; 9.00a.m.
4. Summing Up. Project Evaluation - March 7, 2008