понедельник, 10 марта 2008 г.

Mother's Day at Moravian Academy, the USA

For Mother's Day at Moravian Academy, we celebrate with a Mother's Lovefeast. (We have a Father's Lovefeast in October and Grandparent's Lovefeast in November).
A lovefeast is a Moravian tradition of sharing a simple meal. For Mother's Lovefeast, the student's moms spend an hour in their child's classroom (those with more than one child split their time between their children's classes).
Each class does a special project with the mothers. In first grade, the children and their mothers created flowers from construction paper, paper cupcake liners and tissue paper. We present these blooms on a springtime bulletin board.
Each class does different activities depending on the age of their students. (Prior to the day, most classes have their students make a special project devoted to their mothers. Many students write poems or stories about their moms.)
At 9:30 the mothers and children end up in the classroom of the youngest sibling and, as a family, attend chapel together. At this service, a lovefeast, cookies and juice are served. It is a special service with many musical selections from all divisions. The students really look forward to this special time with their moms. Fondly,
Robyn Endress.

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