вторник, 26 февраля 2008 г.

Students’ Poems

My Mother
Tender and pretty,
Raising children,
Loving father,
Running her business,
A very interesting personality.
( by Kate Osina
Grade 8a)

My Mother
Good and careful,
Bringing comfort to our house,
Helping in any situation,
Loving her family,
My best friend.
(by Anita Sumaruk
Grade 8a)
Happy and beautiful,
Loving and caring,
Helping in difficult moments,
Giving advice,
A very important person.
( by Tair Galiev
Grade 8v)

My Mother
Lovely and hardworking,
Giving a lot of things to me,
Helpful and very kind,
Taking care of us,
A generous person.
by Svetlana Dremina
Grade 8a

My Mother
Happy and kind,
Living for us,
Loving us very much,
Always supporting,
The best mother in the world!
( by Vladislava Rachinskaya
Grade 8a)

The most important person in my life
Beautiful and beloved,
Hardworking and caring,
Helping in hard situations,
Giving me life,
My mother.
( byYana Ivanitskaya
Grade 8v)

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